

To use our demo software, first of all You need to:
  1. Download and install the DBMS PostgreSQL
  2. Using the Postgres' tool Stack Builder, download and install the last version of the Postgis spatial extension.
  3. Using PGAdmin, create a database using the available "postgis_template" as a template
Our demo software uses the  Single Camera View MIT Trajectory Data Set in txt format that can be downloaded from here. Once downloaded, it has to be decompressed. 

Now, You can download our demo in rar format. Once You have uncompressed the downloaded file, You can run the demo double-clicking the file  Traj3D1.0.jar (of course You need the JRE properly installed).

The first time You use the software You have to populate the database with moving objects' data:
  1. Connect to the database (Database -> Connect)
  2. Load the MIT txt file into the database (File -> Load a TXT File). This takes a few minutes.
    1. Type (car or truck) and color will be set at random
From now on, You can use the demo. Details on available queries can be found in: